🔥 coming soon

Long to Short

Turn a ~1000 word draft into 50+ social posts in 1 hour

Come with a piece of content. Leave with a dozens of posts and a system that works for every single draft you write for the rest of ever.

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    This probably feels familiar:

    "2000-word articles I can pump out in my sleep. LinkedIn posts? My brain short circuits."
    "Social is harder than long form for me 🥲"
    "As a former journalist for 10 years who wrote A LOT of columns, opinions and analysis (from the tech industry), I struggle to this day to share everything that I have in my head - in short format."

    Most long form writers struggle to turn their drafts into content that works on LinkedIn or Twitter.

    Because it's DAMN HARD to context switch from one medium to another.
    But if you write blogs, articles, newsletters, or documentation, you're sitting on ENDLESS social posts.

    You can complete Long to Short in ~60 minutes.

    Hop on the waitlist.

