🪄How to stop looking stupid at parties

Hey Reader,

Most people? They play a game of Cornhole with their launch content and get results like this:

I want you to imagine that every missed bean bag is a missed opportunity for conversion.

But every bag that goes through the hole?


I think people assume they can “just wing” launch content because no one talks about launch strategies. Not when it comes to content, anyways.

So they blindly copy what other people do and assume/hope it’ll work.

Or wing it.

Or worse, do...nothing. Paralyzed by fear of the unknown.

"I'm overwhelmed, so I'll just cut my losses."

You deserve better.

This is why we created The Launch Content Playbook.

So you can stop looking stupid at parties when you’re playing Cornhole.

I mean, so you can launch your product/service/offer/webinar/campaign/whatever else requires a launch to a room of people who are 1) aware a thing is coming 2) excited to buy it 3) actually buy it!

And do it all without feeling salesy.

The Launch Content Playbook is not another generic system filled with “this is what worked for me, so it’ll definitely work for you!” nonsense. No, thanks.

This is specifically built to fit your product, your audience, and your voice.

Here’s what makes this product different:

  • It’s packed with 150+ examples of launch content, from posts to emails, so you’re never left guessing, “What do I post today?”
  • You get a custom AI-generated blueprint, tailored to your product and audience, so the content fits like a glove. Oh, and you get that within the first 10 minutes.
  • It’s not just about theory—it’s done-for-you content strategies designed to make your launch easier, more effective, and less stressful. But we also give you the theory so you don’t just get “how," but you also understand “why.”

And who knows, maybe one day we'll all get together and throw some bean bags into a hole together.

Sounds fun, ish?



PS. At time of writing, you've got a little over 24 hours left to buy at the current price. Grab it now and save $300. (Not a gimmick, we just accidentally made it super valuable.)

Count down to 2024-10-18T07:00:00.000Z​


Cut the Fluff

Learn to edit words like a pro. I've edited 3M+ words and each week, I share a lesson and Loom breakdown to teach you what to cut, how to add value, and how to finally feel confident when editing. Every subscriber gets access to my Editing Library, a database of 62 edits broken down by the problem, my take on how to improve it, and my edited version.

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