🪄Walking the tightrope

Hey Reader,

Psssst...9 hours left to buy before the price goes up by 3x.

I just finished an AMA session in the Superpath community.

And my friend Eric asked a fantastic question that's relevant to launches:

I love this question because:

  1. There's no easy way to do this
  2. But if you're up for the challenge, it's such a high ROI skill

I needed to reply with my voice cuz I had to dig deep, and I do that better on the fly and out loud.

(I technically shouldn't share this here cuz it was a private AMA, but it's just so applicable I want you to hear it. Promise, I'm not sharing anything else in case anyone from there is here!)

Here are the key points:

  • I don't hide the fact that selling feels cringy and makes me feel weird
  • I invite people into the discussion and build in public with all of my thoughts and decisions
  • That gives people a vibe of "realness"
  • And that's attractive/magnetic

How does this play out in real life?

I frequently switch between extreme confidence and extreme doubt, but I always end with empowerment.

Digging deeper...

I often give myself a lecture out loud and in public while also making it about you (the reader) and not me (the author).

Take this post I wrote last year. I can't remember exactly, but knowing myself, it reads like I was struggling and needed a pick me up.

So I'm lecturing myself and giving readers a boost of "hell yeah, I can do this" energy too.

This may not look like it, but...

This is a piece of launch content.

Here's my P.S. tucked away in a comment. (These days, I say F off to the algo and just put it in the post.)

Wanna know how I found this piece of content so easily?

It's one of 150+ examples in the Launch Content Vault inside the Playbook.

We created this resource because swipe files give you so much inspiration.

And yeah, as much as you may hate selling or promoting yourself, if your livelihood relies on promotion, you need to do it well 😅

I can't promise our Playbook will solve for all the cringe. I still feel it, even right now, while writing this email.

But I've done this enough times to know that:

  • Even though it sucks to lose subscribers (I lose ~15 every time I send an email and my list is around 4k)
  • And even though some people genuinely don't want to hear from me about this anymore (I promise it's almost done)
  • I know others need the extra push

These comments from earlier today are proof of exactly that:

Sneh literally forgot and needed a reminder. Luckily, she saw my post.

This person will 100% forget cuz they're busy, so you bet I'll be sending a personal "time's almost up" reminder.

Kiran had every intention of buying, but a simple question helped her act before it was too late.

I know it feels annoying, but I promise people genuinely need to be reminded.

So, with that said...

I'm reminding you that you have 9 hours left to buy before the price goes up by 3x.



PS. This is not a launch play in my blueprint. I went rogue because sometimes, you need to follow the vibes instead of a checklist. If you buy, I encourage you to do the same. The blueprint is meant to be a guide, not a fast and hard rule.

Cut the Fluff

Learn to edit words like a pro. I've edited 3M+ words and each week, I share a lesson and Loom breakdown to teach you what to cut, how to add value, and how to finally feel confident when editing. Every subscriber gets access to my Editing Library, a database of 62 edits broken down by the problem, my take on how to improve it, and my edited version.

Read more from Cut the Fluff

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