The C word

Hey Reader,

I gotta be honest.

When I left my job to become a solopreneur, I thought I had it all figured out.

-I was making money from on-demand courses.

-I was running successful cohorts.

-I figured a 1:1 offer would fall into place.

5 months later, I was even more confused than the day I left:

-I didn't want to run cohorts anymore.

-My 1:1 offer was as up in the air as my toddlers' sleep schedule.

-I was making money but also worried more about money than ever.

And then, after years of wondering, months of hoping, and weeks of absolute desperation, it hit me.

The C word.


I'd had a few calls with my friend Nick about my offer, and he helped me work through my what, why, and how.

Thus, Content Sparring was born.

Yet here I am, another 4 months later, still searching for clarity.

I know what my offer is and who I serve, but I'm still learning the ins and outs of my ICP.

-Their root problems.

-Their ideal results.

-Their toddler's sleep schedule.

(Just kidding, sort of.)

This search has had me second-guessing all my copy around my offer. It's been a bit stressful.

Which is why what happened today is so god damn cool.

My favorite part of building courses with Rob is how epic he is at prompting. The AI bots he makes are chef's kiss.

And today, I got to see The Product Clarity Report for the first time.

As usual, my mind was BLOWN.

Here's what happened:

  1. I told the bot all about Content Sparring.
  2. I pressed submit and waited 30 seconds.
  3. I received an email with a report that gave me so much clarity into what my audience wants and needs.

I'm already thinking of changes I can make to the landing page. And I've got new ideas buzzing about for social posts.

Obviously, the search isn't over. I need to keep talking to my customers and evolving my copy.

But I feel like this bot has taken me a big step forward. And it took 30 freaking seconds.

So, without further ado...

We're giving you the Product Clarity Report for FREE!

<<< Go try this yourself right now >>>

Then reply and let me know what you think :)


For the next 33 hours, you can pre-order the Launch Content Playbook for just $99 (that's $50 off.).

Count down to 2024-09-29T10:30:00.000Z

Inside The Launch Content Playbook, you'll find:

  • A step-by-step content playbook (just actionable strategies)
  • AI bots for personalized launch plans
  • Vault of 150+ analyzed launch content pieces
  • 3 launch blueprints: small, medium, and large

Cheers to your launch success.


P.S. In 30-something hours, the pre-sale vanishes, and the waitlist returns. Get the best deal we’ll ever offer on the Launch Content Playbook and join me in having more stress-free, more profitable launches.

PPS. If you've already bought, you're the best thank you :)

Cut the Fluff

Learn to edit words like a pro. I've edited 3M+ words and each week, I share a lesson and Loom breakdown to teach you what to cut, how to add value, and how to finally feel confident when editing. Every subscriber gets access to my Editing Library, a database of 62 edits broken down by the problem, my take on how to improve it, and my edited version.

Read more from Cut the Fluff

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